Today we made the girls go outside and play. They are always saying they can't go outside because there is snow or it is cold. We finally decided that if we let them get away with that excuse every single time it WAS cold or snowy they would not see the outside of the house from October thru mid May. So we made them put on their snow suits (that is why we bought them after all) and go out. The dogs were the only ones excited and happy about this. But, once the kids got out there they actually (gasp) started playing. It was nice to watch.
Morgan pulled Hannah around on the sled for a little while.
Even Whiskey got to take a turn!
Cerah decided to ride her bike. Why wait for summer? If you do you will be waiting a long, long time.
Well, that didn't go as planned. But that's o.k, we'll just improvise. Pushing is as good as riding isn't it?
And so it went for awhile. Until someone (H) threw a snowball at somebody else (C) that ended up going down the front of their shirt. But, perfect children that I have, that somebody else (C) did not get mad and throw a snowball into the face of the first someone (H) causing them to come running into the house bawling like they had just sustained a life threatening injury. No, my children wouldn't do that. Instead this is how it went: Hannah threw a snowball that went down Cerah's shirt. Immediately she ran over and apologized and helped Cerah get it out of her shirt and dried off. Cerah in turn told Hannah that it was okay, she knew it was an accident. They then proceeded to throw their arms around each other in a big hug and tell each other how much they loved them and how lucky they were to be sisters. And off into the sunset they rode. I sure hope they come back before dinner since I really enjoy having perfect children like that.