"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you as you are to them." Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The faces of my world

These are the faces of my world. The faces that make me want to get up every day. The ones that keep me calm when I want to be angry; happy when I can't find anything to be happy about; and loving when the last thing I want to show is kindness. I am so thankful that God gave me these faces for my very own. I am in awe of His wisdom in knowing that no other faces would do for me what these faces can do. Like this one here whose smile lets me know he's happy to be spending time with his children while he's making a halloween costume.

And this one who still wants to give me hugs even though she's a teenager. That smile tells me she's having fun with me although I am no longer cool. That smile is her "mom made a joke that isn't funny but I will humor her" smile.

And this face that says I really am still funny to her. The same face that says she still loves being with me.
And this one. My baby who can still make me laugh over goofy faces and silly jokes. My youngest who still needs mom to tuck her in at night and wake her up slowly in the morning.
Yes, my life is blessed with these faces and every time I see them I am reminded that there is nowhere else I'd rather be than wherever they are.

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