"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you as you are to them." Desmond Tutu

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Backyard Adventures

Yesterday was sunny and warm enough to be outside.  One of the first warm weekend days we've had this year.  Mostly it's been rainy or windy/cold.  Last Saturday it was 42 degrees with 50 mph wind gusts.  So we took advantage of the weather to get outside and do stuff in our backyard.

 We started by clearing a spot for a small garden

This spot here in the middle is where a big tree stump used to be

We had a physics lesson

We went and took softball pictures

Notice the dirt on Hannah's knees.  She can't not get dirty

Cerah had to give this toad a talking to.  She had told him once before about coming too close to the house but he wouldn't listen

Apparently he didn't like what she had to say - look at that frown

We even had a campfire

While the kids put up tents for a sleep-out

Notice how Cerah, Anthony, and Kodi are working hard trying to figure out how the tents go up

While these two have already figured it out.  The trick is to let somebody else do it

And then reap the benefits of their hard work

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