"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you as you are to them." Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Pumpkin Patch

This is Cerah's pumpkin on May 23rd.  She had planted it a few weeks before when it was just a seed that she had saved from Halloween.  There was no special soil, fertilizer, or plant food.  She just planted it in the middle of the yard to see what would happen.

This is the pumpkin plant today - just 7 weeks later.

As I go out with Cerah everyday and examine this pumpkin plant I am always struck with awe at the wonder of its growth.  How amazing that a little seed could flourish in conditions that were not ideal for its survival.  And yet, here it is today and it has flourished and survived.  Not only that but it has planted its roots deep and held firm against the storms that have battered other plants down.  Every day it grows larger and stronger.  It continues to spread out and take over another piece of grass.  It is announcing not only its existence but its perseverence to the world around it. 
When I see this plant I am reminded of a God who promises that just like the flowers in the meadow He will also take care of us if we just trust Him.  And I wonder how different our lives and the lives of those around us would be if we were willing to let God plant us where He wanted us even if the conditions weren't ideal.  How much would we grow and flourish?  How deep would our roots spread?  What would our lives say to other people about the awesome power of our God?  How many lives would we change that would then go out and change even more lives?
Imagine how much bigger this pumpkin would be with fertilizer, good soil and plenty of water.  Now imagine how much bigger we would be with the fertilizer of His word, the soil of His life and the water of His love.

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