"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you as you are to them." Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Busy days

The kids are off school this week for "mid winter break".  I'm not sure what the point of it is except to drive us parents crazy.  After all, how do you keep 6 kids occupied for a full week when it's cold and snowy outside?  It's not like the middle of summer where you can send them out to run around or play sports or go to the lake.  And although I am already hearing "I'm bored" from a couple of them the others are finding ways to entertain themselves.
Cerah made bagels this morning.  They were pretty good

Then the spent a few hours playing Axis and Allies.  It's a really long game

Hanah finally decided to join in since the others were taking so long. 

Then they went downstairs to play house in Hannah's room

We made Cerah go but she didn't really want to so she claims that she's the dresser and it's her job to just sit there

Even Max tried to join in but they didn't want him chasing Shannon who is playing the part of a cat

I would have joined in but I am still recovering from yesterday.  My back is one unhappy camper

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