"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you as you are to them." Desmond Tutu

Monday, January 9, 2012

My story about Saturday

Saturday we took the kids to the Detroit Institute of Art to see the special "Faces of Jesus" exhibit by Rembrandt they have open right now.

At first we were all excited to be there.  We started out by looking at some of the other exhibits they had while we were waiting for our tour time.

Finally, it was time to go see Rembrandt's pictures of Jesus.  Right in the middle of the tour I became quite ill and we ended up having to leave it.  We thought that maybe I was just hungry so we headed back to the car to eat our lunch that we had brought with us.

I was feeling better after lunch so we headed back inside to explore the rest of the building.

We were all happy again and saw some paintings from different artists.

Right in the middle of our exploring I became violently ill again and had to keep running to the bathroom.  Luckily, there was no waiting in line or they would have had a new, unwanted exhibit.  The kids were good sports about it though.

So we just went home.

The end.

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