This past year has been, without a doubt and without any exaggeration, the hardest and worse year of my life. We have been open about some of the struggles we have had this year but there have been many more that have been private and will stay that way. All due, I believe, to the fact that both my husband and I were so focused on our family and our responsibility to them that we forgot who we were. So this year, my resolution is to not give up. Most people are making resolutions to give something up - usually a bad habit. I need to remind myself to NOT give up even when things are overwhelming, or when I question a decision, or when it seems like it's never going to end. This year, my resolution is all about me. Because, while I love my children and my family, I need to take care of me first or I can't take care of them. One of the first decisions we made was this one:
We don't know where exactly we are going to end up yet but we do know that we cannot stay here. It may seem crazy to you to give up a good job in this current economic situation but this is something that we both agreed has to be done. By moving we are not giving up. We are making a proactive decision to do something that will make our lives better and to do something better with our lives.
It may not be much but it is a start on the path of finding ourselves again.
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